Build a simple number guessing game to test your luck.
You are required to build a simple number guessing game where the computer randomly selects a number and the user has to guess it. The user will be given a limited number of chances to guess the number. If the user guesses the number correctly, the game will end, and the user will win. Otherwise, the game will continue until the user runs out of chances.
It is a CLI-based game, so you need to use the command line to interact with the game. The game should work as follows:
Here is a sample output of the game:
Welcome to the Number Guessing Game!
I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100.
You have 5 chances to guess the correct number.
Please select the difficulty level:
1. Easy (10 chances)
2. Medium (5 chances)
3. Hard (3 chances)
Enter your choice: 2
Great! You have selected the Medium difficulty level.
Let's start the game!
Enter your guess: 50
Incorrect! The number is less than 50.
Enter your guess: 25
Incorrect! The number is greater than 25.
Enter your guess: 35
Incorrect! The number is less than 35.
Enter your guess: 30
Congratulations! You guessed the correct number in 4 attempts.
To make the game more interesting, you can add the following features:
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