Build a system that allows users to reserve movie tickets.
You are required to build backend system for a movie reservation service. The service will allow users to sign up, log in, browse movies, reserve seats for specific showtimes, and manage their reservations. The system will feature user authentication, movie and showtime management, seat reservation functionality, and reporting on reservations.
The goal of this project is to help you understand how to implement complex business logic i.e. seat reservation and scheduling, thinking about the data model and relationships, and complex queries.
We have intentionally left out the implementation details to encourage you to think about the design and implementation of the system. However here are some requirements that you can consider:
You can create the initial admin using seed data. Only admins should be able to promote other users to admin and be able to do things related to movie management, reporting, etc.
This project is quite complex and will require you to think about the design and implementation of the system. You can use any programming language and database of your choice. I would recommend using a relational database such as MySQL or PostgreSQL. Once you have finished this project, you will have a good understanding of how to implement complex business logic, think about the data model and relationships, and complex queries. You can also extend this project by adding more features such as payment processing, email notifications, etc.
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