App to let users track their workouts and progress.
This project involves creating a backend system for a workout tracker application where users can sign up, log in, create workout plans, and track their progress. The system will feature JWT authentication, CRUD operations for workouts, and generate reports on past workouts.
You are required to develop an API for a workout tracker application that allows users to manage their workouts and track their progress. Your first task is to think about the database schema and the API endpoints that will be needed to support the application’s functionality. Here are some of the key features you should consider:
You should write a data seeder to populate the database with a list of exercises. Each exercise should have a name, description, and category (e.g., cardio, strength, flexibility) or muscle group (e.g., chest, back, legs). Exercises will be used to create workout plans.
Users will be able to sign up, log in, and log out of the application. You should use JWTs for authentication and authorization. Only authenticated users should be able to create, update, and delete workout plans. Needless to say, users should only be able to access their own workout plans.
Users will be able to create their workout plans. Workout plans should consist of multiple exercises, each with a set number of repetitions, sets, and weights. Users should be able to update and delete their workout plans. Additionally, users should be able to schedule workouts for specific dates and times.
You are free to choose the programming language and database of your choice. Actual decisions for the database schema, API endpoints, and other implementation details are up to you. However, you should consider the following constraints:
This project is a great way to practice building a backend system for a real-world application. You will learn how to design a database schema, implement user authentication, and create RESTful API endpoints. Additionally, you will gain experience in writing unit tests and documenting your code.
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