Build a simple expense tracker to manage your finances.
Build a simple expense tracker application to manage your finances. The application should allow users to add, delete, and view their expenses. The application should also provide a summary of the expenses.
Application should run from the command line and should have the following features:
Here are some additional features that you can add to the application:
The list of commands and their expected output is shown below:
$ expense-tracker add --description "Lunch" --amount 20
# Expense added successfully (ID: 1)
$ expense-tracker add --description "Dinner" --amount 10
# Expense added successfully (ID: 2)
$ expense-tracker list
# ID Date Description Amount
# 1 2024-08-06 Lunch $20
# 2 2024-08-06 Dinner $10
$ expense-tracker summary
# Total expenses: $30
$ expense-tracker delete --id 2
# Expense deleted successfully
$ expense-tracker summary
# Total expenses: $20
$ expense-tracker summary --month 8
# Total expenses for August: $20
You can implement the application using any programming language of your choice. Here are some suggestions:
, node.js with commander
etc).This project idea is a great way to practice your logic building skills and learn how to interact with the filesystem using a CLI application. It will also help you understand how to manage data and provide useful information to users in a structured way.
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