We are constantly improving and updating roadmap.sh
We have launched a new Cloudflare roadmap, revised ASP.NET Core roadmap and introduced a new dashboard design.
After months of work, I am excited to announce our brand-new SQL course designed to help you master SQL with a hands-on, practical approach!
For the past few months, we have been working on building a course platform that would not only help us deliver high-quality educational content but also sustain the development of roadmap.sh. This SQL course is our first step in that direction.
The course has been designed with a focus on practical learning. Each topic is accompanied by hands-on exercises, real-world examples, and an integrated coding environment where you can practice what you learn. The AI integration provides personalized learning assistance, helping you grasp concepts better and faster.
Check out the course at roadmap.sh/courses/sql
We have a new PHP roadmap, System Design roadmap has been revamped. You can also get your custom roadmaps featured.
We have improved our AI roadmaps, added a way to schedule learning time, and made some site wide bug fixes and improvements. Here are the details:
We have a new Engineering Manager Roadmap coming this week. Stay tuned!
We have added 21 new project ideas to our DevOps roadmap, added content to Redis roadmap and introduced a new team dashboard for teams
ML Engineer roadmap and team dashboards are coming up next. Stay tuned!
We have a new AI Engineer roadmap, Contributor leaderboards, AI integration in the editor, and more.
ML Engineer roadmap and team dashboards are coming up next. Stay tuned!
We have a new roadmap, some improvements to dashboard, bookmarks and more.
Next up, we are working on a new AI Engineer roadmap and teams dashboards.
Focus for this week was improving the user experience and adding new features to the platform. Here are the highlights:
Dashboard would allow logged-in users to keep track of their bookmarks, learning progress, project and more. You can still visit the old homepage once you login.
We also launched a new leaderboard page showing the most active users, users who completed most projects and more.
There is also a new projects page where you can see all the projects you have been working on. You can also now stop a started project.
We will be sharing a selected list of updates, improvements, and fixes made to the website. Stay tuned!
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