Mapped Types

Mapped types in TypeScript are a way to create a new type based on an existing type, where each property of the existing type is transformed in some way. Mapped types are declared using a combination of the keyof operator and a type that maps each property of the existing type to a new property type.

For example, the following is a mapped type that takes an object type and creates a new type with all properties of the original type but with their type changed to readonly:

type Readonly<T> = {
  readonly [P in keyof T]: T[P];

let obj = { x: 10, y: 20 };
let readonlyObj: Readonly<typeof obj> = obj;

In this example, the Readonly mapped type takes an object type T and creates a new type with all properties of T but with their type changed to readonly. The keyof T operator is used to extract the names of the properties of T, and the T[P] syntax is used to access the type of each property of T. The readonly keyword is used to make the properties of the new type readonly.

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