Spring cloud

Spring Cloud is a collection of libraries and tools for building cloud-native applications using the Spring Framework. It provides a set of abstractions and implementations for common patterns and best practices used in cloud-based applications, such as service discovery, configuration management, and circuit breaker patterns, among others.

Spring Cloud is built on top of Spring Boot and Spring Framework, and it integrates with other Spring projects, as well as with popular open-source libraries and cloud-native technologies, such as Netflix Eureka, Ribbon, Hystrix, and OpenFeign.

Spring Cloud provides several libraries and tools that developers can use to build cloud-native applications with microservices architecture, like :

By using Spring Cloud, developers can take advantage of the features and capabilities provided by the cloud-native technologies, while still being able to use the familiar Spring programming model and development tools. It helps developers to use cloud-native patterns and best practices in a consistent and easy-to-use way, allowing them to focus on business logic, while the Spring Cloud libraries handle the infrastructure-related aspects of building cloud-native applications.

For more resources, visit the following links: