SWAs, PWAs and Jamstack


A Static Web Application is any web application that can be delivered directly to an end user’s browser without any server-side alteration of the HTML, CSS, or JavaScript content. While this can encompass very flat, unchanging sites like a corporate web site, static web applications generally refer to rich sites that utilize technologies in the browser instead of on the server to deliver dynamic content.


At their heart, Progressive Web Apps are just web applications. Using progressive enhancement, new capabilities are enabled in modern browsers. Using service workers and a web app manifest, your web application becomes reliable and installable. If the new capabilities aren’t available, users still get the core experience.

Progressive Web Apps provide you with a unique opportunity to deliver a web experience your users will love. Using the latest web features to bring enhanced capabilities and reliability, Progressive Web Apps allow what you build to be installed by anyone, anywhere, on any device with a single codebase.


Jamstack is an architectural approach that decouples the web experience layer from data and business logic, improving flexibility, scalability, performance, and maintainability. Jamstack removes the need for business logic to dictate the web experience. It enables a composable architecture for the web where custom logic and 3rd party services are consumed through APIs.

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