VS Code Extension

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) offers an extension for MongoDB that provides a convenient and powerful way to work with MongoDB databases directly from VS Code. This extension allows you to effortlessly manage your MongoDB databases, perform CRUD operations, and visualize your data schema within the VS Code environment. Let’s explore the key features of the MongoDB VS Code extension:


Getting Started

To get started, simply install the MongoDB for VS Code extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace.

After installation, you can connect to your MongoDB instance by clicking on the MongoDB icon on the Activity Bar (the vertical bar on the side of the window). From there, you can add your connection string, choose which databases and collections to explore, and interact with your MongoDB data using the extension features described above.

In conclusion, the MongoDB VS Code extension enhances your productivity as a developer by enabling you to seamlessly work with MongoDB databases directly in your code editor. If you haven’t tried it yet, we recommend installing it and exploring its rich set of features.