
Decimal128 is a high-precision 128-bit decimal-based floating-point data type in MongoDB. It provides greater precision and a larger range for storing decimal numbers compared to other common floating-point data types like Double.

Key Features


To specify a Decimal128 value in MongoDB, use the $numberDecimal keyword followed by the decimal value enclosed in quotes. Here’s an example demonstrating the insertion of a decimal128 data type:

  amount: {
    $numberDecimal: '1234.567890123456789012345678901234',

Alternatively, with the help of the JavaScript BSON library, you can use the Decimal128.fromString() function to create a Decimal128 value from a string:

const { Decimal128 } = require('bson');

const decimalValue = Decimal128.fromString(
db.example.insertOne({ amount: decimalValue });
