
Eradication is a crucial step in the incident response process where the primary goal is to eliminate any malicious activity from the infected system(s) and halt the attacker’s foothold in the network. This step usually follows the detailed analysis and identification of the nature and scope of the incident. Below are some key aspects of the eradication process:

Delete Malware & Vulnerability Patching

Once the incident has been identified and understood, teams must remove any malicious software, including viruses, worms, and Trojans from the affected systems. Simultaneously, patch any vulnerabilities that were exploited to ensure the effectiveness of the eradication process.

Enhance Security Measures

After vulnerabilities have been patched, it’s essential to boost the organization’s security posture. This may involve updating and strengthening passwords, tightening access controls, or employing advanced security mechanisms like multi-factor authentication (MFA).

System Restoration

In some cases, it may be necessary to restore compromised systems from known backups or clean images to eliminate any lingering threats. Before restoring, verify the integrity and safety of the backups and ensure the security vulnerability is patched to avoid reinfection.

Retain Evidentiary Data

Be sure to retain any critical artifacts, logs, and other evidence associated with the incident. This information may be needed later for legal or insurance purposes, audit requirements, or continuous improvement of the organization’s incident response capabilities.

Remember that each incident is unique, and the eradication strategy must be customized according to the given incident’s specifics. Proper documentation and communication should be maintained throughout the process to ensure smooth execution and avoid overlooking critical aspects. After eradication has been completed, it is essential to move forward and strengthen the overall cybersecurity posture to prevent future incidents.