Access Control Lists (ACLs) act as an essential part of an organization’s security infrastructure by helping to manage access rights to resources and maintain security between users, groups, and systems.

In this section, we will discuss the following:

What are Access Control Lists

Access Control Lists are rule sets that define which user, group, or system has access to specific resources and determine what type of access they have (e.g., read or write). ACLs act as a barrier to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data and systems; this can help maintain confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your organization’s critical assets.

Types of ACLs

There are two primary types of ACLs: Discretionary and Mandatory.

Implementing and Administering ACLs

Here are some best practices you can follow when implementing and administering Access Control Lists:

Remember that a well-implemented and maintained ACL system can significantly reduce the risks associated with unauthorized access to your organization’s critical assets.