DNS Poisoning

DNS Poisoning, also known as DNS Cache Poisoning or DNS Spoofing, is a type of cyberattack where cyber-criminals manipulate the Domain Name System (DNS) responses to redirect users to malicious websites. Let’s dive deeper to understand how it works and its potential impact.

How DNS Poisoning Works

The DNS is like the internet’s phonebook; it translates human-readable domain names (e.g., www.example.com) into their corresponding IP addresses for computers to understand. This process involves a DNS resolver, which refers to a cached DNS database to find the correct IP address. In a DNS poisoning attack, an attacker exploits vulnerabilities in the DNS to inject false or malicious data into a DNS resolver’s cache.

Here’s a quick outline of the process:

Impacts of DNS Poisoning

DNS poisoning has several potential impacts on both users and organizations:

Preventing and Mitigating DNS Poisoning

Here are some steps you can take to prevent and mitigate the risk of DNS poisoning:

In summary, DNS poisoning is a potent cyber threat that manipulates DNS data to redirect users to malicious websites. By implementing security measures such as DNSSEC, keeping software updated, and closely monitoring DNS traffic, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to DNS poisoning attacks.