Basics of Computer Networking

Computer networking refers to the practice of connecting two or more computing devices, creating an infrastructure in which they can exchange data, resources, and software. It is a fundamental part of cyber security and IT skills. In this chapter, we will cover five aspects of computer networking, including networking devices, network types, network protocols, IP addresses, and the OSI model.

Networking Devices

Several devices enable and facilitate communication between different devices. Common networking devices include:

Network Types

There are various types of networks based on the distance they cover, and the number of devices they connect. A few common network types are:

Network Protocols

Protocols are sets of rules that govern the communication between devices within a network. Some of the most common protocols include:

IP Addresses

An IP address is a unique identifier assigned to every device in a network. There are two types of IP addresses:

IP addresses can also be categorized as dynamic or static, depending on whether they change over time or remain constant for a device.

OSI Model

The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is a conceptual framework used to understand and describe how different network protocols interact. It divides networking functions into seven distinct layers:

Mastering the basics of computer networking is key to understanding and implementing effective cyber security measures. This chapter has covered essential networking concepts, but it is important to continually expand your knowledge in this ever-evolving field.