
SpecFlow is an open-source tool that allows developers to create automated acceptance tests in a natural language format, such as Gherkin. SpecFlow is commonly used in the context of ASP.NET and other .NET technologies, to write acceptance tests for web applications. With SpecFlow, developers can write test scenarios using plain text in the Gherkin syntax, which uses a Given-When-Then format to describe the steps of a test. These scenarios can be written by non-technical stakeholders, such as business analysts or product owners, and can be easily understood by anyone who reads them. SpecFlow then converts these Gherkin scenarios into executable tests, which can be run using a variety of test runners, such as NUnit, xUnit, or MSTest. The tool also provides a set of bindings that allow developers to map the steps in the Gherkin scenarios to code in their application, making it easy to test specific functionality. Additionally, SpecFlow provides a set of advanced features, such as support for parameterized tests, background steps, and hooks, which allows developers to create more complex and powerful tests.

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